Thursday, April 29, 2010

NEW iPHONE (I love Gizmodo) - Part 2

FINALLY the iPhone post. Now because I am sure you have already seen everything about the iPhone 4G or whatever, I will make a quick list of new features we expect will be in the new iPhone, most likely being announced on June 7.  Here we go:)

  • Bigger battery(same size of phone but smaller components)
  • Different shape - although it is almost the same size, it is a much squarer shape
  • The screen looks to be HD, although no one can be sure
  • It seemed to have what looked like a secondary Mic for noise cancelling
  • Flash!!!!!!!! That is a camera flash not the program flash. I hope you didn't get your hopes up(By the way, the next post will be the death of flash for iPhone)
  • What looks like a better camera, but once again, no one can be sure
  • There is a weird split in the top of the case as shown below - no idea what it is for
    • by the way, the hole next to the head phone port is the noise cancelling mic
  • Also, the back of the phone seems to be a glass type material or something. Oh yay:) now we can get not only a cracked screen, but a cracked back.
  • There is a front facing camera:) yay lets all Skype grandma on my iPhone
  • Lastly, the side volume buttons have been idea why and the SIM card slot is now microSIM(much smaller) and no the side
So that's about it:) I really like the look of it:) Multitasking. Front facing camera. HD!!:) I WANT ONE NOW
p.s. the way reading back at that post I realised many people would not get the whole lets Skype Grandma joke........Its an Internet nerd thing:)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My favourite YouTube videos

For my lack of posting I apologizes but I have been very buzy. I promise the second half of the new iPhone post will be up soon, I just do not have time to wright it at the moment. What I will post however, is, to celebrate YouTubes fifth birthday(I know, only five years??? It seems like much longer than that), a list of my favourite videos and the worlds favourite videos.
So here is my couple of favourites(Note: I count YouTube videos as original content posted on YouTube):

Now this video is not original YouTube content, but I don't care:

Now for the worlds favourites. This one is interesting because so many of them are music videos. Because of that, technically, the most watched video in YouTube history is

The most watched original content however is:

followed by


Till Next time

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NEW iPHONE (I love Gizmodo) - Part 1

You all have already probably heard this, but oh well, its just so funny. Now i'm not sure if this was a deliberate leak by Apple, but even if it was, I don't think they meant it to go this far.

You see what happened was a senior Apple software developer was seen at a bar somewhere around San Fransisco and when he left, a man(not named due to legal reasons) found what looked like an iPhone 3G/S on a stool. He called around to see if it belonged to anyone but no answer. That is when he took the phone off sleep and found many interesting things. Firstly, the senior software developers Facebook page was open. Secondly, the man realized the phone was running the new OS4. Unfortunately, he didn't think to explore many features because the next day, the phone had been deactivated using Apples MobileMe service.

It could not be restored as the firmware is device specific( the 4.0 firmware for the 3Gs will not run on it) so not much has emerged about the upcoming firmware update. The hardware though, it looks epic.

More on that on Friday

Monday, April 19, 2010

Steve Jobs is crazy

My sister and I have a theory. Steve Jobs is crazy. Thats right. Completely nuts. Severe OCD to be precise. You see this in almost all of Apples products. For example the lack of any visible heating vent of any of their laptops. He was so obsessive it was to the determent of many of their products. Back to the heating vent example, the vent for the old iBooks was under the keyboard so when doing a high resource activity on the laptop, you fingers would blister and fall off. Just thank god the laptop was not metal.

Now anybody could see this, all the perfectly clean, flat surfaces in all their products show clearly they are run by a loony but nothing more than the Apple external mice. Now, you may expect me to mention something such as the lack of buttons but its a million times worse than that. Apple has gone out of their way to ensure that the batteries, which are put in side by side as expected, can be put in the same way round. Thats right, the revolutionary apple is helping us all be making sure we do not face the difficulties of rotating our hand. There is no logical reason for this, it just finalizes our theory.

Maybe Apple could produce some better products with out him, but they would be lost without the appeal he adds which gets them their OCD fanboys:)


Friday, April 16, 2010

HP Slate

Firstly, thanks everyone for so many people reading the last post:)
Now, supposedly, the Apple iPad is a "one of a kind device", or so apple tells us. They are blatantly lying. I would like to introduce the HP slate.  Basically it is the iPad.......except it runs not only a full version of windows 7 but has a two cameras, a USB port, a dock connector and1080p HDMI playback and output. Oh yea, and an SD card slot and it also has a 3G wireless internet, is more powerful and cheaper........

SCREW YOU iPad. Im going slate. Watch the videos below for more awesomeness. I swear I get goose bumps every time I watch it.

There is not an official release date yet but there are leaks it will be July. I can not wait!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

iPhone OS 4.0 - Part 2

So my take on iAds, changes to the photo app and all the other small changes in iPhone 4.0.

Firstly iAds. I do not have much to say. They look really cool. If you haven't seen them go HERE. Basically they are just a very advanced, interactive form of advertisement that i'm sure apple will charge a HUGE amount of money for and people will pay because the iPhone is more popular than Oxygen. They look sorta fun actually I think. Oh well, only time will tell.

NEXT other things. Changes to the photo app. FIrstly there is now facial recognition and events as well as a way to view geo tags on the phone(knows using the GPS the location of where the photo was taken). Also there is FINALLY a rotate button as well as albums, zoom ( FINALLY as well) and focus for the video camera. Before, you could focus in the video camera but only before you started recording so I presume this will be focusing while recording. Most of this stuff has been available on other phones for years so im very happy apple has finally got it, and in the classic apple manner, it looks kuch better than on any other previous phone.

Finally, other updates include a better mail system (I didn't see any thing wrong with the old one but oh well), bluetooth keyboard connectivity (means you could type on a wireless keyboard straight into your iPhone and some tweaks to the iPod functionality.

LASTLY:) the greatest feature ever to have existed is coming to the iPhone. If this had never been invented, i'm positive the world would be total chaos. YES I am talking about the technical wonder that is spell check.

And on that, to reference top gear, bombshell, I leave you

p.s. feel free to follow my blog for all your technical needs:)
p.p.s oh yea my the way the MacBook/MacBook Pro range have finally been updated with better processors, better graphics and, because of the better processor, higher battery life.

Monday, April 12, 2010

iPhone OS 4.0 - Part 1

Okay so I missed a couple of posts but oh well. I do not really know what to say about it because everyone already knows about it but I guess I will sum it up quickly.

Firstly, multitasking. It looks very cool. Some people are complaining about how apps need to be slightly modified to use multitasking. I think people are over reacting. The only modifying is putting in a bit of code supplied by apple. This seems to be very easy to do so there is no reason every app developer should be able to do it. Also the fact they have been able to figure out how to implement it with little to no battery and performance depletion is just EPIC:). Compared to the multitasking system in a phone like the Palm Pre which is notorious for being slow and having a terrible battery.

Second thing is backgrounds. I really like this. It has been something available on jail broken iPhones for ages and I think since the iPad could do it they had to implement it in the iPhone. Also the new dock is very cool. For those of you who haven't seen it, it is just like the OSX dock(sort of a transparent trapezoid) instead of the cool looking metal grate currently in the iPhone OS. The only problem I see with backgrounds the inability to change the text colour if the app names. This means they will not be visible with some backgrounds. Jail broken  phones overcame this with apps the change the text colour but everyone knows apple would never approve those. Maybe apple will introduce some auto detect feature which changes the colour automatically but I highly doubt it.

I also really love the way they have implemented folders. Jail broken phones had folders already but they were TERRIBLE. They were very very very slow to open as well as clunky and difficult to add apps to. This way is just excellent and will my mere 100 apps I know i will definitely be using this feature.

I will finish on Wednesday. BYE

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Networking routers - Part 2

0 comments isn't Monday but oh well Monday was iPad rant. Well i'm sure you were all riveted by the massive cliff hanger. Well you weren't but on well. YES SO WHAT I DID. What I did was dug up an old router so now I have three. I then turned the second and third router into an access point. This is like something you would see in a school or your workplace where there  is a large area to cover wirelessly or otherwise. I did this by turning off all DHCP things and UPnP on the access point routers. I then changed all the routers the the same wireless name but on different channels (1,6 and 13 i did because they are the furthest apart). Then I changed they IP address on the two extra routers to something different to the default but outside the DHCP range set on the primary router eg.

default =
DCHP range = to
Router 1 =
Router 2 =
Router 3 =

Now after that you just need to plug them in. The order you do this is not important (eg. can go into Just make sure they both end up connected to router 1. The must important step is to connect the routers between two LAN ports not the WAN ports (port internet modem connects into on the main router).

I connected mine up like Router 1<->2<->3 but you could do 3<->1<->2. The later configuration would mean router 3 and 2 can not communicate though.

Well this has been incredibly geeky as far as past posts have gone:) Hardly anyone will understand it......that will probably because of grammar errors rather that geek levels though.

OH WELL. Next post will most likely be on the iPhone OS4 as the sneak peek is Thursday.

Saturday, April 3, 2010



Hope you like it:)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Networking routers - Part 1

Okay......... This post isn't exactly about servers as such but it is about networking. You see my house has the need for a wireless router that can connect hard wired to around 10 computers. In the past I have tried things such as a network switch which didn't work because when one computer was being used as a media server, it couldn't connect to the internet. I also have used 2 routers in a way there the second router's WAN port is connected to one of the first routers LAN ports (The second router had an address of where the first one had . That was the best I could get, but still not great as the computers on the second router could not print from the network printer connected to the first router, nor could media be streamed between the two.

ME, being the genius I am, had an epiphany...... well Google had one for me seeing I am most definitely not a genius, and I figured out how to solve my issue. Will finish this on Monday:)
