Thursday, April 15, 2010

iPhone OS 4.0 - Part 2

So my take on iAds, changes to the photo app and all the other small changes in iPhone 4.0.

Firstly iAds. I do not have much to say. They look really cool. If you haven't seen them go HERE. Basically they are just a very advanced, interactive form of advertisement that i'm sure apple will charge a HUGE amount of money for and people will pay because the iPhone is more popular than Oxygen. They look sorta fun actually I think. Oh well, only time will tell.

NEXT other things. Changes to the photo app. FIrstly there is now facial recognition and events as well as a way to view geo tags on the phone(knows using the GPS the location of where the photo was taken). Also there is FINALLY a rotate button as well as albums, zoom ( FINALLY as well) and focus for the video camera. Before, you could focus in the video camera but only before you started recording so I presume this will be focusing while recording. Most of this stuff has been available on other phones for years so im very happy apple has finally got it, and in the classic apple manner, it looks kuch better than on any other previous phone.

Finally, other updates include a better mail system (I didn't see any thing wrong with the old one but oh well), bluetooth keyboard connectivity (means you could type on a wireless keyboard straight into your iPhone and some tweaks to the iPod functionality.

LASTLY:) the greatest feature ever to have existed is coming to the iPhone. If this had never been invented, i'm positive the world would be total chaos. YES I am talking about the technical wonder that is spell check.

And on that, to reference top gear, bombshell, I leave you

p.s. feel free to follow my blog for all your technical needs:)
p.p.s oh yea my the way the MacBook/MacBook Pro range have finally been updated with better processors, better graphics and, because of the better processor, higher battery life.

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