So iOS4 was released a couple of days ago and the new iPhone 4 is due to be released in less than 24 hours. Now I have installed in on my iPhone 3G and had a play with it on my friends 3Gs. The first thing that comes to mind is how stupidly difficult it is to install. Now I know come people were fine and had it installed straight away but I had many issues installing it. Firstly, my phone had to go through a three hour backup before installing even though I had just backed it up 3 minutes before hand? There was no way to stop this and the disappointments
just kept on coming. After around 4 hours of installing, I finally got to the sync stage. This is where the major stuff up occurred.
So it tried to restore it to the 3 hour long backup and just couldn't. Error message after error message spewed out at me until I finally tried to sync it without restoring my original settings whereby my iPhone decided to think it did not have a SIM card. I took out and replaced the SIM card about 5 times and my phone decided it had a SIM card but the computer it was connected to decided to completely ignore it and refuse to Sync. So I took it over to a different computer which made my iPhone very angry and phone decided it did not have a SIM card after all. By the way I think I should mention at this point iOS4 still has not been installed. It was demanding I reconnect it to iTunes and do it again. So back to the other computer (which was a Mac which probably helped), I took out the SIM card once more and low and behold it actually decides to recognize it. So I managed to install iOS4 in the phone on that computer and then Sync it with my other computer finally.
So now I have it there are some things I am happy and sad about. Well actually many things I am sad about. Apple said there were a few features it had to leave out of the 3G version. I think my a few they mean almost every one. It does not support multitasking (which I already knew) , home screen wallpapers, accessibility options or screen orientation lock. I was so excited when they announced orientation lock as I have wanted it ever since I got my phone but nope:(.
Oh well. There were some things I did like such as iBooks, Spell Check(very useful for me), and Folders. iBooks is a very nice app but a very slow. When you eventually get to one of the many free books, the reading experience is very nice when put in low brightness and Sepia mode, which makes the background brown instead of white. It often will not connect to the iBooks store for no particular reason but that hopefully will be fixed soon. Spell Check is useful bit a bit hard to use at first. I eventually got use to it but the many combinations of tapping used for select, copy, paste and replace make using feature a challenge. Folders are very easy to use as all you need to do is drag one app on top of the other and you have it but with my 130 apps the fact you can only have 12 per folder is annoying.
Now most of these features worked far better on the 3GS I used but the owner complained about the annoyance of having to stop your apps as they all go into the Multitasking menu. The system Apple implemented for stopping these apps is slow and unnatural. They make you hold to app down for a couple of seconds before closing them which can get frustrating if there are 12 apps open. The switching between these apps is seamless though and very fast.
So it is probably he fact this OS was not really made for the 3G that frustrates me so but the upgrade is mostly excellent on the 3GS.
Thanks for reading
p.s. I actually have made the Office 2010 review and seeing the retail version was released with out anyone noticing I will post that tomorrow but be warned it is not very good.

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