This may not really be tech news as such but I like it. Apparently, crazy people who believe the Bermuda triangle is earth's hub of alien activity have finally been proven wrong. Although the proven theory has been around for a very long time, it was proven some time earlier in the year.
The theory is that methane bubbles, well...bubbling up from the earths core, change the structure of the water. This basically lowers the density so significantly, ships just sink in an instant like the water disappeared from underneath them. Now, you might be saying, what about planes. They crash and don't exactly swim. Well, this is the kicker of the story that, basically makes it one of the only viable solutions. These bubbles can float out of the water. Like the ships, this then changes the density of the air around the wings, reducing these airborne sardine tins to 600 tonne balloons.
There is still some queries, such as boats that appeared with no people on them. Well.....they are some of the most pirate ridden waters in the world. I think any smart, sensible captain hook lookalike would find it neat to be able to kill and rob a boats rich crew, and blame it all on the aliens. Or is it more appropriate in our current political climate to call them EVIL UFO PEOPLE(any non-Australian readers...yea just go ahead and ignore that joke). You never know though. I could be wrong. Maybe the worlds alien hub is not Texas and New Mexico and Arizona.
Whatever happens, i'm sure the stories will never stop. Oh by the way. Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not saying there are not aliens, just that they would have no interest to visit this soon to be inter-space by-pass:)
Thanks for reading guys

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