Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flash for iPhone = X(

Flash for iPhone is officially dead. As most of you know, the iPhone does not have flash because Apple will not let it. The other day, Adobe announced they would stop development on all flash products for iPhone which were being developed for some reason, I think Adobe was just ever hopeful. This includes this weird thing they make that converts flash applications to iPhone apps. In response to this, Apple released a letter basically saying why they think Flash sucks. You can go to the whole letter HERE but the main points are:

They say it is very closed(only available from Adobe)
------Nice one apple. Well I guess you are the experts on closed systems *cough* OSX *cough*
There are many alternatives to flash
------True True. I do like the idea of HTML5(will discuss some time later)
It is not reliable, it slows performance and there are security risks
------Ok that is 100% true but oh well it would well almost all the time
Decreases battery life
------Also true, but Apple, come on. We all know you could have done something to fix that just like multitasking
Flash is not designed for touch
Some crazy thing that makes no sense.....something about Apple not wanting to talk to other companies
------Thanks Apple...... you are so friendly and accepting as always
    Ok well that's about it. Now I have some possible terrible news about the HP slate so that will probably be next time.

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