There is a delay on the Microsoft 2010 review because I keep recording the video and stupid Camtasia comes up with brand new errors for me:(
Instead I will recap my thoughts on the iPad, seeing it came out today internationally. Firstly, I would like to tell you a story. I was coming home on the train today, just like a nice little non-car using person, and what do I see but my first iPad......well not exactly. It was in its a JB Hi-Fi bag, seeing it was just bought, but oh well, it is the closest I have ever been. As I surreptitiously subtly peered over the crowd in an attempt to confirm my suspicion that the box in the bag had the magical little silver apple, a feeling of complete envy overtook me. It was all I could do to stop myself from snatching the bag from her blotchy little hand and running. I had been had. At that moment, I realised with dispair Apple had infected me. It was an iPad but why was I so eager to have it. I have an iPhone. An iPad is just that crossed with a kindle.
I'm actually having to think about this very hard. Why do I want an iPad? Well firstly, I'm a geek - so for show. That is the main reason. I have said this once before and I will say it again - Steve Jobs is anal. All Apple products must be perfect (in his eyes at least). I think these crazy tendencies are a major part of what appeals to me. This sounds very strange but all Apple products are so soft, yet hard and sturdy, so clean, yet useful and fun. Although other products may be able to do so much more, such as the HP Slate(which may or may not be cancelled and may or may not be called the HP Hurricane), no other product can inspire that morale abolishing WANT that an Apple product can. The hunger for the cool aluminium and glass to be under my fingers. Paying any price, however many thousands of dollars it is only an act an Apple product can push upon me, and much of the rest of the world.
My final thoughts - Apple's combination of hardware, software; interface and design; materials and infrastructure elevates them above any other company when it comes to passion. That is really what it comes down to. Although an Apple product may not do everything, what it can do it does it magnificently and like not any other device conceivable. Even the haters can appreciate how the iPad is really the pinnacle of this. The pinnacle of Apple passion. Sure, I might not, but the first edition or even second but like all Apple products we can make do.
We can wait.
Reading this whole thing back to myself, it does not seem to make much sense. After all this, is the RAVINGS of a Technogeek. Because of this, I will summarise it:
I love all Apple products. Although they are not always the most technically advanced in their range, they exude passion and care. I guess that something resides somewhere in all of us and that is why we buy their products in numbers like no other.
Steve Jobs really summed up the words excitement when he launched the iPad back in January. He quoted an article from The Times if I remember correctly. It said "The last time people were so exited about a tablet, it had commandments written on it". In a way it does. After all it is an eBook reader :)
Thanks for holding on till the end :) A review of Word 2010 should by up by Monday.

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